Loan Performer is the number 1 Microfinance software for MFI institutions worldwide
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     8.0 Bug fixes -- details

14017 Added approval of Clients. Clients who are not approved cannot do any transactions (including import, web access, mobile payments etc). A report is added on "Clients Pending Approval" and "Approved Clients", Credimujer, Costa Rica
13760 Added an audit trail on changes made to client's names, Rudi Sacco, Uganda
14964 When putting an Account on hold, LPF will ask the user for the reason why that particular account is being put on hold
14848 Under system/configuration/Savings, User can set transaction charges to be uniform for all transaction types, eg. Withdrawals, Deposits, transfers Mukono Teachers SACCO (MUK Sacco), Uganda
11560 Whether to show the field "Account Balance" on the deposit and withdrawal receipts is definable per product, COOPEC-CAHI, DRC
13712 Added Tontine (also Susu Savings) as a new product. Tontine is a savings product where people save a fixed amount per day for a certain number of days. LPF is flexible that this can also be a fixed amount per week/month.
ATM and POS Integration
14890 Added debit/credit card management, ATM transaction processing, reporting, fee handling and accounting, Mukono Teachers SACCO (MUK Sacco), Uganda
14889 The ATM Charges, as seen on the savers statement, are a block figure including the service Provider fees and the MFI fees but booked separately in the GL Mukono Teachers SACCO (MUK Sacco), Uganda
14512 Added a new format for loan repayments, the same as 'General A5, 1 copy per page', but without the interest balance, Agros International, USA
14607 Added an option to include Arrears for the "Amounts Due" report, Eclof, Uganda
13051 Added 2 reports to the Passerelle: 'masque_indicateur_periodiqueannee2013' and 'masque_ef_exercice2012_8', BCEAO, West-Africa
3865 Added option to Freeze penalties as well at loan rescheduling, Findev, Azerbadijan
14387 Added Balance Sheet, Income Statement, Outstanding Balances, Disbursement and Arrears Reports in Excel with branch totals per column, Uganda Microcredit Foundation,Uganda
14796 Time to open the window to edit a selected loan application takes no more than 5 seconds, Kixicredito, Angola
14794 Time to move from the first TAB at loan application to the next does not take no more than 5 seconds, Kixicredito, Angola
14792 Time to open the window at Loan Application to choose if it is and Individual or Group takes no more than 5 seconds, Kixicredito, Angola
14791 Time to open the window to edit the data of the selected group takes no more than 5 seconds, Kixicredito, Angola
14789 Time to open the window to edit the data of the selected customer takes no more than 5 seconds, Kixicredito, Angola
14788 Time to open the window to capture the data of the customer takes no more than 5 seconds, Kixicredito, Angola
14787 Login via WAN takes less than 2 minutes Kixicredito, Angola
14629 The procedure for creating a new, empty database at Tools/Check Database, has been updated with any changes made since version 8.14 when this feature was developed, Hluvuku-Adsema, Mozambique
14313 It is now possible to change collation at Tools menu. This makes sure French, Spanish and Russian characters are presented properly.
13809 At Configuration/Non-Working Days, an option is added that disallows access to Loan Performer on Non-Working Days, Rudi Sacco, Uganda
13402 All reports come as the last item in the menu list.
13398 Added email address to the Configuration/Users/Add and Edit Users form
15688 At startup LPD validates whether the DLL files and the database are compatible.


13122 LPF now warns users when entering a Time Deposit if the client has an outstanding Time Deposit. Enhancement Internal
13284 Regulatory Reports for the Central Bank of Mozambique have now been added. Enhancement
12852 LPF can now send a message to a client after Loan Repayment. Enhancement Internal
12014 It’s now possible to select the picture format for a client photo and signature at System/Configuration/General. Enhancement Internal
12802 The client Name and Signature have now been added as a second page in a page frame at Loan Repayment. Enhancement Internal
12776 The option to define the Maximum file size for client photos and signatures has been added at System/Configuration/General. Enhancement Internal
12562 LPF now has the flexibility to integrate Mobile Payments with any Mobile Service Provider. Enhancement Internal
12551 The feature to print ID Cards for clients has been added. Enhancement Hope for Life Afghanistan
12550 User can define Administration fees and Interest rates per loan cycle under System/Configuration/Loan Product Settings. Enhancement Hope for Life Afghanistan
12549 It’s now possible for Loan Performer to automatically charge penalties on loans as date changes even if no user initiates the penalty calculation Enhancement Hope for Life Afghanistan
12401 An option to send an email message at client’s birthday has been added. If the client happens to do a savings transaction on his/her birthday, LPF informs the cashier. Enhancement Internal
11354 LPF can now retain the history of the last X (user-definable) passwords. At Configuration/Users/General, LPF validates passwords against the last passwords. Enhancement MasterLink Capital Service Zimbabwe
9804 An indicator, “Maximum number of group members’, has been added at configuration/Register 1, that restricts entry of additional members if maximum is exceeded. Enhancement Internal A report of Refinanced Loans has been added Enhancement
9189 An option for the System Administrator to allow automatic updates or not has been added. Enhancement Internal
12014 An option to add photo on the client history report has been added. Enhancement Internal
11329 A web application that allows a member of a SACCO to view his own shares, savings and loan accounts has been added Enhancement Internal
11858 User now has the flexibility to define shares by product under System/Configuration/Shares. Enhancement
12210 The savers statement can now be retrieved in ascending and/or descending order based on the user’s preference Enhancement Internal
13426 LPF automatically clears the cache upon log-out Enhancement Salt to Ghana Ghana
13402 All LPF reports now come as the last item in the menu list. Enhancement Internal
12930 When registering a mobile number for a client for mobile money payments, the service provider is also added Enhancement Internal
12694 A report format to the Breakdown report with, “Client Code and Client name, Transaction Number, Transaction Date, Description, Cost Centre, Debit, Credit “, has been added. Enhancement Hluvuku-Adsema Mozambique
12214 The Saver’s statement now has totals for the Debit and Credit columns. Enhancement Internal
12122 The Client’s telephone and address are now part of the exported fields when printed to excel on the rescheduled and written-off loans report. Internal
12052 User can now send a savers statement by email to the client. Enhancement Internal
12016 The Last History Contact report now shows the last transaction made by the client including all filter options for Time Deposits, Shares, Savings, Loans, General, Contacts and SMS. Enhancement Internal
12015 The option to contact the client by SMS at the client contact entry form has been added. The message is sent to the client and (saved as an SMS contact) on the client history report. Enhancement Internal
12012 On the Client Contact report, a radio button for SMS messages made to the client has been added. Enhancement Internal
11949 The general setting for the maximum overdraft balance has been added to the Configuration of Savings. The entry of overdrafts cannot go beyond this product setting. Enhancement Internal
11795 The Mobile Money Transactions Report has been added under Savings/Savings Reports. Enhancement Internal
11685 A report on approved/rejected withdrawals has been added under Savings/Savings Reports Enhancement Internal
11466 A provision to issue receipts for share transfers from one shareholder to another has been added under configuration/receipts Enhancement Internal
11175 At Configuration/Loan Products, an option to limit the loan product to certain clients as defined by client category 1, 2 or 3 has been added. The default is category 1, 2 and 3. Enhancement Inclusive Financial Services Zimbabwe
10970 It’s now possible to enter loan application fees before entry of the loan application Enhancement IFS Financial Services Ghana
10832 It’s now possible for LPF to send an SMS confirmation on shares purchased Enhancement TEMA AG Cooperative Credit Union Ghana
9813 Under Tools/Check Databases, an option has been added to run different DBCC scripts on SQL server database and present user with reports. Enhancement Internal
8643 The Interest paid on the Time Deposits report has been added Enhancement Internal
12508 An option to print 76mm Role Paper for shares at configuration receipts has been added Enhancement Internal
9807 In a WAN setup, one user is able to login to only one computer at a time Enhancement Internal
12552 LPF can now automatically push forward the due dates to the first working day of the next month if the first instalment falls between 26th and 31st of the month Enhancement Hope for Life Afghanistan
12804 A functionality to automatically transfer funds from the savings accounts to the loans accounts without user-intervention has been added. Enhancement URA SACCO Uganda


11218 Loan Performer at startup now updates only the Lookup tables which have had changes, thus making the startup faster. Enhancement
11132 If user changed the Language to Russian, the Chart of Account’ labels did not change to Russian. Bug
9977 Under menu Tools/Check Database, an option is added to create an empty branch database with the same configuration as the existing database. Enhancement Hluvuku Mozambique
10853 The expiry date of the license is added to the Registration window. Enhancement Request
7123 User can now enter the contact history of a client with visits, tel calls etc. Enhancement
10437 The number of children for individual clients and group members can now be registered in the client registration form. Enhancement Request Vision Fund Zambia Zambia
10436 The number of employees for group members can now be registered in the client registration form. Enhancement Request Vision Fund Zambia Zambia
10791 A new feature, “Rent Functionality”, has been added to the individual client page to track Tenant and Rental details for clients. User can also issue invoices for all tenants with an active contract for a specified period, track tenants’ invoice payments as well as issue Tenant Notification letters for late payments. Enhancement Request SIDO, Small Industries Development Organization Tanzania
10612 The Benin Progress out of Poverty Index (PPI) scorecard has been added with 2 dditional reports. Enhancement Request ID Benin Benin
11287 An option to add a client photo on the Benin Poverty Assessment reports has been implemented. Enhancement Request ID Benin Benin
11186 The existence of external files at client registration can also be verified for group members. Enhancement Request Grameen Costa Rica
11161 User is now able to define the print order of Names at Configuration/Register. For instance Last Name - Middle Name - First name or otherwise. This is so far done for Receipts and Client reports. In later versions, this will also be done for other reports. Enhancement Request Buusa Gonofaa Microfinancing Share Group Ethiopia
11058 It’s now possible to import SMS Clients from Excel Enhancement Request ID Haiti
11025 All SMS messages received by customers can now end with a user-defined label such as, “Thanks for Banking with us”. Enhancement Request Xerox Microfinance Ghana
10668 It’s now possible to send SMS messages also after the due date of an instalment. Enhancement Request Tema AG Credit Union
8960 User is now able to modify or delete an overdraft once it’s saved. That was not the case previously. Enhancement Request
10504 A checkbox at system/configuration/Register part1 that says,” Client cannot have more than one savings account per product” has been added Enhancement Alide Benin
10429 A report on Minimum/Maximum Savings Balances per Account has been added. Enhancement Request
9810 The report, “Savings Accounts opened in a period” has the name of the officer who opened the account and the column, “closing date” has been removed. Enhancement
4807 The Approval/Rejection of withdrawals above cashier's limit is now done by a message to the Manager's computer. Enhancement Request Uganda Microcredit Foundation
8916 In case there is withholding tax on savings interest, LPF can now print a report that has columns for gross interest, tax and net interest. Enhancement Request Unidos Por El Progreso de Sayula Mexico
8668 The, “Savings Transactions by Voucher Report” has been integrated into the “Savings Transactions Report”. Enhancement Request Yadana Suboo Myanmar
7319 The “Amounts due Report” now has a format with savings amount due with each instalment. Enhancement Request Keshav Gore Smarak Trust India
9892 User is now able to print a Time Deposit Statement under menu option Savings/Time Deposits. Enhancement Request Speed Capital Kenya
Standing Orders
10320 Standing orders have now been improved and can be entered and executed for group members as well. Enhancement
10319 If the beneficiary is a non MFI/SACCO client, user can now enter the client’s name and bank details at the opening of the standing order. Enhancement
10317 A separate tab for deletion of standing orders has been added. It was removed from the menu at modification and a report on deleted standing orders has also been added. Enhancement
10909 The grace period on a loan was limited to 999 days but has now become 9,999 days Enhancement Request
10785 The refinancing of a loan did not require approval. It simply went straight from refinancing to disbursement. That is no longer the case as an approval stage has now been introduced and the approval is done by a different user. Enhancement Request Uganda Microcredit Foundation Uganda
9893 The label,”Recalculated Interest” has been changed to “Interest-to-date” on the Loan Ledger card for loans on declining balance. Enhancement Request Speed Capital Kenya
9815 The Duplum Rule has been implemented in LPF where user cannot book any interest in excess of the outstanding principal balance. Enhancement
5723 User can now add charges to a loan (just like adding a single penalty). Charges have a description field and can be linked to different General Ledger Accounts under system/configuration/loan product settings. Enhancement
9365 A seventh (7th) option for penalty calculation for loans on declining balance where penalty is calculated on principal, penalties and interest compounded has been added. Enhancement Request Molyn Credit Kenya
9890 The feature to repay a loan against an invoice has been added. It’s now possible to repay the loan against an invoice for a creditor who is also a client with the institution/MFI. Enhancement Request Speed Capital Kenya
11115 At configuration/working days, a checkbox saying,” Update due dates to the next group meeting date (in case of group loans and in case the meeting day has been entered by the user) has been added. Enhancement Request Eclof TZ Tanzania
9887 A fourth fee (4th) called “Processing Fee” has been added and can be charged at disbursement. Enhancement Request Speed Capital Kenya
9883 It’s now impossible to run the "Recalculate interest" twice on the same day and a report- the Recalculated Interest Report”, has been added after running the module. User is now obliged to print the report before LPF updates the database. Enhancement Request Speed Capital Kenya
9853 The feature to set the maximum loan amount per loan cycle at configuration/loan products on individual and group clients’ tab page has been added. If checkbox is ticked, LPF listens to the settings at Support Files. If not ticked, LPF listens to the settings at Configuration/Loan Product Settings and the validation is enforced at loan application only. Enhancement Request
9842 A report on loan repayments with last date of repayments and amount paid has been added. Enhancement Request Papua Finance Company Papua New Guineau
11007 Reports on Repayments now show the currency in which the transactions took place. Enhancement Request
10815 The loan ledger card has been modified to include a format for loan charges. The outstanding balances report too has this format for loan charges. Enhancement Request SBDFT, Small Business Development Trust Guyana
10812 Receipt Printing options for Group Member reports have been added and enhanced. Enhancement Request
10033 The “Rescheduled Loans Log Report” just below ‘Modified Loans’ in the loan reporting section has been added. Enhancement Request
11109 An option to replace the Chart of Accounts with the Rwanda Chart of Accounts has been added at Configuration/Accounting. Enhancement
11062 Reports under the Accounts Menu have been grouped under Financial Reports. Enhancement Request
10011 A menu to repost missing Financial Transactions has been added under the menu, “Accounts/GL Transactions”. Enhancement Request
10935 The funds window under system/configuration/funds has been modified to accommodate operational expenses not just loan revolving funds. Enhancement Request SIDO, Small Industries Development Organization Tanzania
11229 New functionality has been added to register expense categories and Components. Enhancement SIDO, Small Industries Development Organisation Tanzania
11231 Functionality to enter opening balances and appraisals for categories and components has been added. The appraisal is the total amount funded by a donor during the entire programme period. Enhancement SIDO, Small Industries Development Organisation
11230 A new feature, MUVI Budgets where the grant budget is done per year and per fund as a requirement by donors has been added for SIDO (Small Industries Development Organization) Enhancement SIDO, Small Industries Development Organisation Tanzania
10540 Menu items for budgeting have been re-arranged to a main menu item with sub-menus for “Create Budget” and “Budget Report”. Enhancement Request SIDO, Small Industries Development Organization Tanzania
10799 At calculation of asset depreciation, user now has an option to select a cost centre or branch to depreciate instead of depreciating all cost centres and branches in one go. Enhancement Request SIDO, Small Industries Development Organization Tanzania
10798 The field for cost price has now been expanded to accommodate one more digit. Enhancement Request SIDO, Small Industries Development Organization Tanzania
10797 The Asset record window now has a checkbox to indicate payment (cash and bank) so that the transaction can be booked to the General Ledger (GL). Enhancement Request SIDO, Small Industries Development Organization Tanzania
10796 LPF can now generate receipts for manual transactions. Enhancement Request SIDO, Small Industries Development Organization Tanzania
10794 A signature with name and function of the current LPF user has been added to the Approved Manual Transactions report that pops up at the time of approving these transactions. Enhancement Request SIDO, Small Industries Development Organization Tanzania
10793 Notification letters for Tenants in the menu Debtors have been added. Enhancement Request SIDO, Small Industries Development Organization Tanzania
10790 The “Link invoice to clients” feature now also applies to debtors, not only creditors. Enhancement Request SIDO, Small Industries Development Organization Tanzania
10789 The modification of invoices under the Purchases and Sales module now has an option to search by invoice number for both Debtors and Creditors. Enhancement Request SIDO, Small Industries Development Organization Tanzania
10788 On the reconciliation window, there is now an option for posting bank charges and other direct payments made to the bank on page two of the page frame. A new button, “Approve" on the reconciliation window has been added for approving unapproved transactions and it’s now possible to search transactions by transaction code at the approval window. Enhancement Request SIDO, Small Industries Development Organization Tanzania
10771 The LPF General Ledger (GL) Bank Statement Balance has been added on the second page of the Bank Reconciliation Screen. Enhancement
10770 Two Check boxes, “Check All” and “Uncheck All” have been added on the second page of the bank reconciliation screen where users can select/de-select items for reconciliation. Enhancement
10769 A new field,” LPF GL Bank Balance” has been added at the first screen of the Bank Reconciliation page. Enhancement Request
10494 Added option to filter the transactions by date, cheque number, voucher number, at bank reconciliation page 2. Enhancement
10442 User is able to retrieve all transactions that have been entered (or modified) between re-opening of financial year and closing the financial year. Enhancement
10336 The audit trail did not track/produce transactions in a closed period that were opened and modified. Enhancement Request
9891 User can now print a statement for a single Debtor/Creditor with invoices issued and payments made. Enhancement Request Speed Capital Kenya
9889 LPF can now generate a Local Purchase Order (LPO) at the time of entering an invoice for a creditor. Enhancement Request Speed Capital Kenya
10792 The Debtors Balances Report has a checkbox to run for Tenants Only. In this case, it shows the Tenant’s Contract Period, the Contract Value (agreed period * monthly rent), amount paid and balance. Enhancement Request SIDO, Small Industries Development Organization Tanzania
11031 The Debtors/Creditors Balances Reports and the Debtors\Creditors statements now have filter options according to Branch, Cost Centre, Debtor and GL Account Enhancement Request SIDO, Small Industries Development Organization Tanzania
Regulatory Reports/Bank of Ghana
11095 Schedule E- Borrower Listings has been added to Bank of Ghana Reports under Regulatory Reports Enhancement Request
11009 The Monthly Report on Advances Subject to Adverse Classification has been added to the Bank of Ghana Reports under the Regulatory Reports menu option. Enhancement Request
11006 A report for “10 LARGEST DEPOSITORS” for Bank of Ghana Reports has been added under Regulatory Reports menu option. Enhancement Request
10995 The Report, “Monthly Report on Twenty (20) Largest Exposures” has been added to the Bank of Ghana Reports under the Regulatory Reports Menu option Enhancement Request
10887 The Monthly Return on Liquid Reserves (Deposit Taking Micro-Finance Institutions) for Ghana Regulatory Reports was added. Enhancement Request
10886 The Monthly Return on Current Year Operating Results for the Period Ending and Monthly Return on Deposits exceeding 5% of paid up capital for Ghana Reports has been added. Enhancement Request
Regulatory Reports/Bank of Zambia
10074 A report, “Portfolio and Provisions Report” under menu Accounts/Regulatory Reports/Zambia has been added for the Central Bank of Zambia Enhancement Request Vision Fund, Zambia Zambia


9761 The web-based help system has been implemented in LPF and is now accessible via the following web address: When the FI key is invoked, LPF asks the user whether s(he) wants to use the local copy or the up-to-date web - based help file on the website. An option to update the local LPF help with the version on the website has also been added.
9727 If user reprinted the loan repayment schedule, the penalty percentage displayed was different from the one that was configured at
system/configuration/product settings, Unit Trust of Tanzania, Tanzania
9666 If a group repayment was made by cheque while the configuration was set to track group loans with member getting individual loans (Grameen methodology), LPF displayed multiple cheques in the cheque clearing window- one for each group member but with the same cheque. On clearing one of the group member cheques, other cheques vanished leading to imbalances in the general ledger. Now LPF considers just the group total amount and one cheque number in the cheque clearing process., City Place Office Solutions, Ghana
9659 The arrears report cut off the column for Portfolio at Risk when report format 1 was chosen, Imali Capital Finance, Zimbabwe
9645 An email address to the individual clients and the group members' profiles has been added making it possible for LPF users to send loan ledger cards by email to a range of individual clients and group members, Tetrad Investment Bank, Zimbabwe
9639 The report, 'Missed/not completed payments as at any given date' did not correctly compute the values based on the group repayments schedule", Turame Community Bank, Burundi
9606 Notes (3 fields) have been added to import template for loan applications, Tetrad Investment Bank, Zimbabwe
9601 LPF did not distribute the payment if the prepayment was less than what was due on the due date and did not save the transaction unless posted on the next day, Kasambya SACCO, Uganda
9575 If user entered a prepayment, an error message, 'Variable nDebit and nCredit passed to Business Object GL Trans are zero', was displayed.
9569 An error message, 'Error retrieving from the server' was displayed when user tried to access the chart of accounts.
9551 The amounts due report format 4 did not display records as per the format title, Hammer and Money Lenders, Zimbabwe
9544 The report on share transfers has been added, Lyamujungu SACCO, Uganda
9537 User was unable to disburse a loan if no donor code was defined. LPF gave a message, 'DonorID does not exist as a defined donor, called from Business Object GL Trans'.
9502 The interest per batch report under savings/interest menu item could not be retrieved as it could only flicker.
9496 The pending disbursement report showed five entries of the same loan.
9490 All version 7.10 collection sheet formats are now available in version 8.
9482 The savings product number could overlap the account title on group member savings withdraw receipt
9481 The Column for the Portfolio at Risk as shown on the arrears report was not correctly displayed as the some figures were cut off.
9479 The deletion of a business client displayed a message, 'Error message: Alias 'CLUSTER' is not found (returned from FUNCTION: ServerDeleteClient)'.
9477 The Loan collection sheet for Grameen Costa Rica in version 8 did not match the collection sheet in version 7, Grameen Costa Rica, Costa Rica
9473 User could not view the active standing order report as this generated an error, 'XML exception, file lpfweb.dll not properly formed due to internal code problems or web files are not compatible'.
9472 The option 'Client can buy shares' has been removed when editing a Loan Guarantor'.
9471 The Corporate Licence showed two (2) items at Configuration and also two support files were accessible. That is no longer the case, Turame Community Bank, Burundi
9466 LPF did not register the foreign currency transactions in the Savings table and the General ledger at importation leading to incorrect reports in both the base and foreign currency.
9465 LPF did not register the foreign transactions in the loans table and general ledger at importation leading to incorrect reports in both the base and foreign currency.
9463 LPF generated an error, 'Invalid number of arguments passed to function <FUNCReportsLsTwo>' while updating due dates at cheque clearing.
9460 Logging in the LPF Spanish Version created a blank screen at the point the system is supposed to give the message 'You have not yet done the day closure'.
9459 The calculation of savings interest with the option Interest calculated on Running balances generated a message, 'An error occured retrieving data from the server. Please try again'.
9458 If user imported loan disbursements by cheque for several beneficiaries, the report on cheques generated by LPF showed on only beneficiary.
9457 The importation of savings transactions by cheque generated an error message, 'Must specify additional parameters'.
9456 Retrieving Interest Paid on Savings Report as at end of year was not possible as LPF gave the message, 'Table is empty, no interest calculated yet'.
9454 LPF displayed empty records for some variables on the loan contracts when printed even when they were correctly configured, Vola Mahosoa S.A, Madagascar
9452 The report on blacklisted clients if required for a single reporting day, did not include records for clients blacklisted on that day/date.
9444 If a client has already paid overdraft charges at each withdrawal, such a client is now exempted from paying interest on negative charges if the interest calculation module is run. That was not the case before.
9443 Its no longer possible to use a registered client to guarantee himself/herself at the time of opening an overdraft.
9442 The deletion of overdrafts through the menu options savings/modify transactions now removes both the overdraft and charge at once. That was not the case previously.
9441 The particulars on savers statement after the withdrawal of an overdraft.
now show as Overdraft withdrawal and not savings withdrawal as was the case before.
9440 The label SW for overdraft charge has now been changed to IC- Interest charge on the savers statement.
9439 LPF deducted the overdraft charge from the total overdraft amount thereby reducing the amount of overdraft requested by the client. This is no longer the case.
9438 If a client had been issued with an overdraft, then used it up and also cleared it by the time of its expiry, it was not possible to issue a
second/subsequent overdraft to this very client.
9437 If user had more than one overdraft ready for approval, the approval of one of them created distortions in the fields for amount, expiry date and product name at the approval window.
9436 If you used the 'search on name' feature at overdraft approval, LPF correctly picked the client name but later hang as it became impossible to close this window.
9435 The grid for approval of overdrafts under Savings/Overdrafts/Approve overdrafts now shows the label, 'Overdraft Approval' and not 'Loan approval', as was the case previously.
9430 An error occurred at automatic loan disbursement if the option transfer to savings account was selected.
9428 The group members' arrears report displayed incorrect guarantee amounts as LPF did not respect the settings as specified under system/configuration/loan product settings/guarantee.
9426 Report format 4 of the Group Members Arrears Report did not have the label for Loan Amount and it needed re-alignment.
9423 An error, 'SQL: Column CLIENTCODE is no found', was generated when user tried to retrieve the Approved/Rejected Overdraft report for individual clients.
9422 Under the Receipt logo window (System/Receipt logo), the options for Data Entry Person and Mode of Payment drop-down filters were empty.
9421 The report on executed standing orders generated a , 'XML exception, file lpfweb.dll not properly formed due to internal code problems or web files are not compatible'.
9417 Under the Group Member Repayment Screen, the label for Total Free Savings was replaced by that of Total Compulsory Savings.
9416 The report on active standing orders generated a bug, 'XML exception, file lpfweb.dll not properly formed due to internal code problems or web files are not compatible'.
9415 It was possible to withdraw time deposits as many times as possible as even withdrawn time deposits still appeared under the withdrawal window. This has now been resolved.
9411 The Guarantors and Collateral Report could not be retrieved as it generated an error, 'Fields FAXI does not accept null values'.
9410 The total loan amount and average loan amount on the outstanding balances report appeared twice on the report.
9409 Report format 9 of the Outstanding Balances Report could not be retrieved as it could only flicker.
9402 It was not possible to make a savings withdraw when a user configured LPF to request for passwords of specific users before making a withdrawal.
9400 Issuing a cheque book generated a message, 'An error occurred in your program', K-Rep Development Agency, Kenya
9398 The Chart of accounts now has 12 sub-levels.
9397 LPF can now warn user when posting to an account that has no transactions that no sub-accounts can be created in future unless s/he cancels the transaction.
9396 An error message, 'File accidday view.dbf does not exist', occurred when a user clicked the 'OK' button at Tools, Checks on Data Entry, Savings Additions.
9394 The feature to capture finger prints using the automatic option did not work.
9393 With the option to deduct interest at disbursement, the receipt generated did not describe the amount deducted.
9392 The count for SMS Banking now includes only active SMS accounts.
9391 When a user made a reward to a client, LPF recorded Charges as a description instead of reward on the Break down Per Account Report and did not Post the values to the savers Statement.
9190 LPF now gives automatic updates to users listing all changes made since last installation.
9185 The Report on clients' state during a period could not show Group and Business clients when the option 'All clients' was selected.
9169 The table Age Class in all cases had no records for all Loan products.
9151 At Loan Refinancing LPF would show a wrong label, 'Oustanding' instead of 'Outstanding'.
9150 At loan refinancing, LPF was producing two rows of disbursement on the ledger card, loan Disbursement and Loan refinancing.
9111 Modifying Shares Transaction date without changing number of shares was giving a message 'The transactions you are trying to book fall within a closed period', yet no day closure had been done, Akeezimbira SACCO, Uganda
9109 LPF could not capture commission balance at Loan Refinancing a loan with commission balance.
9085 HTTP SMS Messaging depended on one provider.
9067 The Audit Trail report showed disabled users as the persons who posted transactions in a period where the user had no access to the system, Molyn Credit, Kenya
9057 The SMS Server was starting without the LPF image and the project did not have the LPF icon.
9048 Group member loan repayment screen had no actual loan repayments column and a button for amount due, Molyn Credit, Kenya
9027 Menu 'Open Savings Account Report' was replaced with 'Opened Savings Accounts Report' and position changed to above 'Closed Savings Accounts Reports'.
8966 Donor code was increased from 2 to 5 digits, Agros International, USA
8957 The Deposit to /Withdrawals from multiple clients receipt totals figure was outside the frame.
8922 At Bank Reconciliation LPF would allow the Reconciliation GL account to be debited and credited at the same time when there are un reconciling items.
8910 A feature to verify that ALL age classes are properly configured before a user generates the Declassified Loans Arrears report has been added.
8872 It was not possible to Defer a loan at Loan Approval.
8854 The patch 812 was giving an error message: Cannot access lpfview.dbc when the (windows) user was not the owner of the LPF database, Alide, Benin
8840 When a Client had two savings products both tracked at member level, the Group members repayments screen had stationery and Loan Guarantee label that overlap.
8836 At retrieving multi-loan ledger card, the label for Report format 2 was in figures.
8832 Loan ledger card and repayment schedule for all loans could not be viewed, ECLOF TZ, Tanzania
8820 LPF could not assign Reg. Code to registered group members who were also guarantors.
8815 LPF could not assign Reg. Code automatically at registering a business client.
8806 The lookup path in the lpf.ini of the 812 installer was pointing to lpf81001\lookup, BuusaGonofaa, Ethiopia
8796 The penalty calculation on interest balance for loans on declining balance with interest calculated in days was corrected, Molyn Credit, Kenya
8760 Outstanding Balance report, Report formats 9 and 17 could not be retrieved.
8754 A user was unable to make a loan repayment with a mobile phone.
8747 At Configuration/Accounts, page 2 (Day-Closure) a checkbox saying 'Once Day-Closure is done; no transactions can be entered until the next day' has been added, Ideato South MF Bank, Nigeria
8746 A user was unable to retrieve Pending Disbursement Report.
8718 On savings GL Configuration, a user could not select the Income Account for Cheque charges.
8691 A menu item to Approve GL Transactions has been added, Credit Populaire de Centralafrique, Central Africa Republic
8664 At Income and Expenditure window, a label 'Sort by Cost Centre' was replaced by Numbers.
8654 LPF was not logging Failed Access if user entered wrong password 3 times when 'Log failed login attempts' was activated.
8632 Rescheduling a loan that was refinanced was not impossible.
8626 Loan Ledger card would get distorted when loan importation was done.
8582 There was a System error on adding guarantor on 'Loan part 3'
8567 A user could not enter the reason for writing off a loan and for rescheduling a loan and a report format to show this was not in place, CFL-MFI, Sri-Lanka
8536 Selecting a loan for refinance could open the lookup window.
8524 When a loan was refinanced it could not be available for repayment in the repayment screen, Credimujer, Costa Rica
8516 Income History of an Individual Client could disappear when the Client was retrieved, IFS Financial Services, Ghana
8327 Loan Refinancing label was appearing in Spanish when language at login was English.
8318 LPF was not able to save details of a loan at Loan Refinancing.
8316 There was no option for Account Dividend Paid on the Shares window for Institutions that transact on a cash basis.
8173 Selling a single cheque leaf was not possible. LPF would show an error message: 'an error occurred in your program'.
8120 LPF could not allow reopening the last closed financial year from Tools/Checks on Data-entry.
7998 Defining some GL accounts for Savings, Time Deposits and Loans in WOCCU Chart of Accounts was not possible, WOCCU, USA
7571 LPF was reporting wrongly, debits were posted on a wrong account when a user refinanced a Loan.
7375 Refinancing a loan to the client's savings account was giving an error message.
6820 Multi-currency transactions for SMS Banking were not provided for in LPF.
5750 Reports for Azerbaijan Central Bank was not in xml format version 1, UTF-8 and the BCEAO reports were grouped under regulatory reports, Viator (NHE), Azerbaijan
9391 LPF was recording Charges as a Description instead of Reward on the Break down Per Account Report When a user makes a Reward to a client it wasn't also posting it to savers Statement.
9387 A user was unable to capture the description 'stationery' on the Breakdown Per Account Report. Using multipurpose deposit.
9386 Interest and Date on Approved/Rejected Overdrafts Report Label was overlapping.
9382 With Interest deducted at disbursement, automatic loan disbursement was creating a bug.
9368 When a user who had no settings to print loan contracts tried to create a loan contract, LPF could generate a bug. This when a WAN database was used.
9364 When a checkbox to activate the VAT charges for a particular savings product was ticked, LPF appeared to save but was not saving.
9363 Penalty Calculation as a simple percentage on Principal, Interest and penalty was throwing an error.
9362 Penalty calculated on a weekly basis with the option 'Penalty calculated as a simple percentage was throwing an error
9359 An error SQL:Column 'P_ VATPRIN' is not found could pop up when a user calculates penalty based on instalment amount with the Penalty calculation on weekly basis.
9352 Automatic penalty calculation over period on P+I+Pn with an inserted penalty in period was giving both incorrect values for days and amounts.
9351 Automatic penalty calculation over a period of time on principal + Interest + Penalty had an incorrect 'number of days charged' but with a correct penalty amount if for each late instalment.
9350 Automatic penalty calculation over a period of time on principal + Interest had an incorrect 'number of days charged' but with a correct penalty amount if required for each late instalment.
9349 Automatic penalty calculation over a period of time on principal only had an incorrect ""number of days charged"" but with a correct penalty amount if for each late instalment"
9346 When a penalty was calculated as a flat amount per day, LPF was correctly computing the number of days in arrears and number of days charged but with eight (8) decimal places.
9345 Automatically calculate penalties at login under loan product settings needed to be shifted to the penalties page at loan product settings.
9343 When rewards were set to be computed for Group Clients, the reward amount calculated was not posted to sub ledgers and what was posted to the GL was less.
9342 Receipt generated at making a withdrawal from multiple clients had a wrong label.
9328 Entering end of membership of a group member could take too long about 3 minutes to save, Turame Community Finance, Burundi
9325 LPF was not picking a specified user to re-activate a dormant account to allow both deposits and withdrawals.
9322 When LPF was configured not to allow withdrawals from savings without a specified users' password, at withdrawal it was not showing the specified users.
9321 A User was unable to de-select a savings/or a Loan GL account under system configuration
9320 It was not possible to end group membership as the reasons window for end of membership was greyed out / deactivated.
9318 At client registration, LPF allowed a user to register a client who's ID Document were issued before the Client's Date of birth.
9317 Automatic penalty calculation as a percentage of principal in arrears only was not working correctly.
9314 LPF was not allowing withdraw of an overdraft when a user had set a percentage of the savings required to guarantee a loan.
9313 It was not possible to retrieve Approved/Rejected Overdraft Report when a user selected Individual Clients.
9312 At Overdraft Approval; The Label which should be Overdraft Approval appeared as Loan Approval
9311 When one did an automatic disbursement, upon saving the LPF displayed a message 'Voucher number field cannot be empty, yet there wasnt a field for VOUCHER on this screen', K-Rep Development Agency, Kenya
9303 Group member outstanding Balance Report, Report format 2 was picking a wrong Loan cycle number.
9302 Group Members Disbursement Report option for Grouping Loan Cycle filter was not working.
9293 At loan refinancing when check box 'Repay the Loan Balance' was checked LPF picked wrong Balances for Principal, Interest and commission.
9287 Commission total was not being captured at Repay Loan for a group.
9272 PMT report preview by a quarter was showing values for all the quarters. Instead of values for only a predefined quarter.
9269 Cheque printing was creating a series of errors and hanged in the process. The user had to perform a cold boot every time he/ she attempted to do cheque printing.
9260 Arrears Figure above 180 days in the Ageing Report, Report Format No.1 overlapped Last Repayment date.
9247 There was a line striking through the statement 'THANK YOU FOR BANKING WITH US' on the receipt.
9240 The transfer of shares from one client to another created a bug especially if the client from which shares are being transferred did not have any or had less than required.
9238 Executing a standing order created a bug,'Error number 1545'. Though the savings reports were updated, K-Rep Development Agency, Kenya
9234 Modification of a savings deposit for a group Account with member tracking enabled would create an error, 'Open tables in database'.
9232 Transferring savings deposit from one account to several other accounts was creating inconsistent/Incorrect savings balances.
9229 The penalty calculated as a simple percentage of the outstanding loan balance was not incorrect.
9220 Users should be able to open the closed periods (days, months years), Paidek, DR Congo
9211 First time deposits opened had a different Time deposit number format with the ones opened later. The one opened later had the same number format.
9208 Label for the penalty screen during penalty deletion was appearing as a number.
9207 When a wrong client number was registered for SMS Services and a message is sent out it was not possible to edit that number, Ugafin, Uganda
9191 Group Members Outstanding Balance Report Format 2, Membership Number was being represented as Loan Cycle No. for Group members.


9559 Calculation of Accrued Interest returned only one loan yet they were supposed to be more, IFS Financial Services, Ghana
9469 Added Time-Deposit period in days, IFS Financial Services, Ghana
9467 At Time Deposit renewal, the value date was not refreshed, LPF still picked the initial deposit date, leaving the maturity date the same as the initial one, IFS Financial Services, Ghana
9464 Added: POS integration in LPF, Buusaa Gonofaa Microfinancing Share Comp, Ethiopia


8929 LPF could not add a web client where there were no charges. It generated a message that transaction product cannot be empty, Ugafin, Uganda
8873 Added: mobile banking with M-Cash


6996 LPF did not calculate interest on Overdrafts based on different interest rates set per client, K-Rep Development Agency, Kenya
7709 The Loan- Approval-stages functionality did not behave normally as only the first authorised user was able to approve the loan while the second and third were unable to do so.
8517 The Modification of a loan application gave an error that forced LPF to close without saving the changes made, IFS Financial Services,
8932 The Indicators report in 8.11.02 and did not match, Paidek, Congo
9167 When calculating dividends, the dividend report could not be previewed as it simply prompted you to print, K-Rep Development Agency, Kenya
9166 The importation of repayments was not reflected on the loan ledger cards for group loans tracked at member level, K-Rep Development Agency, Kenya
9160 The requirement for minimum share capital as set under systems configuration was not being respected as user was able to sell or transfer shares in excess of the required minimum share capital per client, K-Rep Development Agency, Kenya
9159 If user imported share transactions, LPF created two rows for the total share balances with the first one showing incorrect balances for number of shares available while the second one was correct. If user wanted to transfer shares, LPF gave a message:“You want to transfer more shares than the client has” even if the client had enough shares available, K-Rep Development Agency, Kenya
9152 The Loan Refinancing Module could not save loans on a declining balance, K-Rep Development Agency, Kenya
9144 The Multiple-Deposit transactions were recorded three times on the Personal Ledger balances report for all clients, ID Benin, Benin
9132 The Automatic write-off of loans in a multi-branch database with different General Ledger (GL) accounts per loan product incorrectly booked transactions on different GL accounts, Agros International, USA
9039 The option, “Correct Savings Balances”, under menu/Tools/check on data entry did not correct savings even when it was prompted to do so, Pame/Agetip, Senegal
9036 The Loan commission payment did not generate a receipt, Pame/Agetip, Senegal
8955 If user rejected an overdraft, LPF gave an error, “Table<SAVTA> passed to function <GetChangedField> is open”.
8941 User was unable to post charges and rewards at the menu option Savings/Charges and Rewards, K-Rep Development Agency, Kenya
8935 If user wanted to post a group member loan repayment, the checkbox for Approved Overdrafts appeared in a numerical form
9222 If under Accounts/Purchases and Sales Module, user fully or partially paid off an invoice, the amount paid off was not refreshed on the Creditor payment screen while the GL account was correctly updated and so was the balance, Bee Master’s Sacco, Uganda
9221 If user calculated savings interest on monthly minimum balances, LPF gave a message that you are not at the end of the interest period. Interest cannot be calculated yet, Buusa Gonofa, Ethiopia
9214 The calculation of interest on running balances gave a message, “Function, argument, value, type or count is invalid” and user was unable to continue with the process, Credit Populaire, Central African Republic
9199 If user ran a year closure, LPF wiped out all records from the general ledger
9196 At the menu option loans/group member repayments, LPF did not display the savings product even if it was active at the time of the group repayment, Eclof, Tanzania
9183 LPF did not consider the value date (date at which the time deposit takes effect after opening) when creating reports on time deposits,
K-Rep Development Agency, Kenya
9180 The Modification of share transactions from one payment mode to another created an open dialogue box, “Open tables in dialogue”, K-Rep Development Agency, Kenya
9179 LPF allowed the importation of shares even when the current share balances as well as the option allowing the user to have shares were not set at the client registration en menu, K-Rep Development Agency, Kenya
LPF displayed a day closure message at login even with a fresh database without a single transaction posted, K-Rep Development Agency, Kenya
9177 User could open a time deposit for a client even before the registration date of this particular client, K-Rep Development Agency,
9176 The cash transactions report did not display any output if the checkbox, “Show client names” was activated, K-Rep Development Agency, Kenya
9175 LPF posted transactions to wrong general Ledger (GL) account numbers when disbursing to supplier(s), K-Rep Development Agency,
9171/8461 The Cash module did not work even when users/cashiers were correctly linked to their respective cash accounts,
K-Rep Development Agency, Kenya
9252 The cash transactions report displayed transactions for all cashiers even it was filtered to show transactions for a single cashier,
K-Rep Development Agency/Pame- Agetip, Kenya/Senegal
9251/9250 If User logged in as cashier and unchecked the filter option,” Include Savings and Loan Transactions” on the cash transactions report, under the cash module, LPF still displayed all transactions including both savings and loans, K-Rep Development Agency, Kenya
9249 The BCEAO Report displayed an error message,” SQL: Column ‘CCURRENCY’ is not found” if user clicked on it, Pame/Agetip, Senegal
9245 The Loans Guaranteed by Guarantor Report displayed information for all guarantors even when it was required for a single guarantor,
Lyamujungu SACCO, Uganda
9242 If a savings deposit and/or withdrawal and loan repayment transactions for the same client were posted on the same day, LPF first arranged the transactions by the loan repayment and later savings sometimes leading to negative balances on the client’s saver’s statement. Now LPF arranges transactions based on date and time, Pame/Agitep, Senegal
9241 If a client’s savings account had bounced cheques, LPF did not allow savings transfers and withdrawals from this particular account as the bounced cheque was considered as an uncleared cheque and LPF gave the message that the client has a negative balance, Pame/Agetip, Senegal
9239 After close of year, the Trial balance did not reflect the true figures. Some accounts that had transaction no longer have figuges brought forward, Hammer and Money Lenders, Zimbabwe
9235 User could not generate the overdraft usage report even for clients who had withdrawn part of their overdrafts.
9230 If a loan was linked to shares under system/configuration, user was still able to transfer shares beyond the guarantee share value before and after loan application. LPF did not also check for availability of the minimum share balances at loan application for loans linked to shares, K-Rep Development Agency, Kenya
9228 The Report for Tied Shares and Savings for outstanding loans displayed empty columns for guarantee shares and savings even shares and savings were linked to loans under system/configurations, K-Rep Development Agency, Kenya
9227 If user had more than one savings product defined and one of these savings products was linked to the loan (as set under system/configuration), LPF allowed withdrawal of the savings in excess of the guarantee amount even before the loan was fully paid and user was unable to withdraw from savings products that were not linked to the loan for this particular client, K-Rep Development Agency, Kenya
9226 LPF created an error message, “OLE IDispatch exception code 0 from LPFserver”, when user tried to access the cash transactions report.
9225 Permissions for users are now set by default to allow full control and access to the SQL database when attached from the folders.
9276 LPF automatically updates the LPF.INI file with the URL path while accessing the Wide Area Network (WAN).
9274 The ageing and the Portfolio at Risk (PAR) reports as at any given date did not match when the options “Include all active Loans” and “Include loans with dues and repayments” were activated.
9270 If user registered a group client and also assigned group members as loan guarantors, LPF correctly assigned a registration code for the first and second guarantor, then incorrectly assigned a code to the third guarantor and non for the fourth.
9268 The transfer of a savings deposit from one client to another was not possible as LPF gave the message that the balance is not enough to enable the transfer, K-Rep Development Agency, Kenya
9267 The menu option charges and rewards under the savings module did not work as it gave the error message, “undefined error: Error message string missing”, K-Rep Development Agency, Kenya
9265 The portfolio at Risk Report (PAR) preview as at a specific date was 1, 2 or 3 days etc after the set date depending on the number of times the preview was opened.
9264 The disbursement report was very slow even if it was required for a shorter period of time, Turame Community Bank, Burundi
9263 The loan sizes report if required for a given age class did not display any output.
9262 User could not preview the Savings Till Sheet and the Savings Day Sheet as an error message was created, “User Thrown error” and LPF also prompted you to enter exchange rates even when it was a base currency database, K-Rep Development Agency, Kenya
9259 The LPF Import Planning for Monitoring Indicators report did not work as it just displayed a message, “ Code 00402”, K-Rep Development Agency, Kenya
9257 The balance as shown on the saver’s statement was incorrect as transactions were arranged by date rather than date and time. This has been corrected and LPF now uses the DATETIME stamp to arrange transactions on saver’s statement, Pame/Agetip, Senegal
9256 The PMT report generated an error message,” Function argument, value, type or count is invalid” if user chose quarterly reporting periods 3 to 3 or 4 to 4.
9255 LPF generated an error message,” SQL: Column CCURRENCY is not found” when viewing the balance sheet, K-Rep Development Agency, Kenya
9254 LPF posted a different loan repayment amount than that entered by the user. A correct amount was printed on the receipt while an incorrect one was posted to the general ledger (GL), Turame Community Bank, Burundi
9253 When viewing the cash transactions report under the cash module, LPF did not display all transaction if user selected the option, Group by cash items”, K-Rep Development Agency, Kenya
9300 LPF debited a wrong savings product even when opening a time deposit by savings transfer even if it had zero balance and the deletion of this transaction did not reverse the time deposit on the savings account, Busiu Sacco, Uganda
9298 The maturity date on the time deposit (TD) form at the time of the TD application is now in a date and not datetime format.
9297 If the loan guarantee and savings minimum balances were set both set, LPF did not validate both at savings withdrawal and savings transfer screens.
9296 The entry of Time-Deposits was not possible as LPF gave the message that entry date should be after client registration date even when that was the case.
9295 LPF generated a receipt at opening of a savings account even if there was no initial deposit.
9294 User could import clients with client categories that do not exist under support files, Tetrad Investment Bank, Zimbabwe
9292 LPF added development fees on savings balance for the client whose development fees were deducted at disbursement and the fee was not reflected on the ledger card and in the General ledger, K-Rep Development Agency, Kenya
9291 The balance sheet displayed empty values while the trial balance displayed correct ones.
9290The transaction code no longer displays in the old version 7 mode and is now assigned after the transaction is saved, Turame Community Bank, Burundi
9284 The consolidation of branch databases did not overwrite the old data with the new imported but rather summed it up all together resulting in incorrect balances in the corporate/consolidated reports, Turame Community Bank, Burundi
9283 It was not possible to generate individual, Group and Business Compulsory savings reports as LPF gave an error message,” User Thrown error”.
9281 The Loans Guaranteed by Guarantors report did not filter according to the specified guarantor, Lyamujungu SACCO, Uganda
9280 With member tracking for group savings enabled, LPF displayed the name of the first group member for any savers’ statement selected in the group. The transactions however remained for the selected member.
9279 An option to order the shares report for the company by client’s reference number has been added, Lyamujungu SACCO, Uganda
9331 If a savings product was disabled under system/configurations, user was still able to enter a deposit from the menu Cash/Multiple source Deposits, ID Benin, Benin
9330 If the Multipurpose Deposit was used in the cash menu for only savings deposits and a receipt was printed, user got an error message of an incorrect variable type.
9326 User was unable to reprint Last Interest report in PDF, Credit Populaire, Central African Republic
9324 The importation of share transactions was not possible as LPF created an error, “Error retrieving data from server”, K-RepDevelopment Agency, Kenya
9323 User was able to successfully import group members into the database but was unable to retrieve the report on group members as LPF gave the message, “No clients found that match your criteria”.
9316 The calculation of savings interest skipped some savings accounts if there were withdrawals within the period even when the option was set to false, Credit Populaire, Central African Republic
9309 Accessing the Group Saver’s statement gave an error message, “User Thrown error”.
9308 The approved overdraft report filtered by name created an error,” XML exceptions, file LPFweb.dll not properly formed due to internal code problems or web files are not compatible”.
9307 LPF displayed a message, “Empty <Guarantor No.> passed to function<GetGuarUnpaidLoans>" when user unchecked the checkbox, “member is also a guarantor” at the Group Member registration screen.
9306 LPF required all ID documents to be specified for all the three (3) signatories at importation of business clients, K-Rep Development Agency, Kenya
9305 The receipt generated at multipurpose deposit had auto generated amounts compared to what was posted. The receipt form had conditions for printing certain elements but the condition was not related to the name of the field.
9304 The Group member’s arrears report did not show the label for Loan Amount field while the labels for principal in arrears, interest in arrears, penalty in arrears, and loan guarantee, VAT arrears were not aligned.
9301 LPF did not reverse commission on the saver’s statement when deleted but it was correctly reversed in the general ledger (GL).
9374 The renewal of a Time Deposit was not possible and even if user clicked the refresh button, LPF did not correctly update the next maturity date, IFS Financial Services, Ghana
9371 The option to disburse to Mobile Client at the disbursement screen simply showed the number 300464.
9369 LPF generated an incorrect message/validation” variable nDebit and nCredit passed to Business object GL Trans are zero” when user attempted to open a time deposit (TD) without specifying the amount of the TD.
9367 If user made a prepayment or an overpayment, LPF did not recognise the overpaid amount on the receipt generated but included it in the total.
9366 At day closure, LPF gave a message, “Error while closing the day. Please try again”.
9356 Automatic disbursement of a loan with a commission at disbursement incorrectly posted the general Ledger (GL) transaction and the development fee was not saved at all, Turame Community Bank, Burundi
9355 LPF selected a different overpayment Account than what was configured at system/configuration/loan product settings GL 1 / 2 at the time of loan repayment.
9354 If user made an overpayment as well as a prepayment of principal and interest, the receipt generated duplicated the principal and interest prepaid and overpaid.
9340 When adding or deleting a cash account at configuration/cash accounts, an error was generated, “ Alias ‘accounts’ is not found”.
9339 If user set loan approval stages to be two, LPF did not record the loan approval date of the second stage.
9338 The report on clients/only current clients with outstanding balances at end of period and filtered for group members only generated a bug, “An error occured retrieving data from the server. Please try again”.
9337 The End of Year process did not create the YRxxx table in the database resulting in inability for user to generate any reports for the closed year, Hammer and Money Lenders, Zimbabwe
9334 LPF could hang with no error messages displayed whenever user updated the database with new exchange rates under support files,
Turame Community Bank, Burundi
9333 It was not possible to generate the loan disbursement report as it could only flicker.
9332 The consolidation of branch databases was not possible in some databases as it generated all sorts of errors and the process could not end successfully, Turame Community Bank, Burundi
9406 The time in minutes required before LPF closes as set under System/Configuration/Users did not work even if was correctly configured,
ID Benin, Benin
9405 The display of the photo on the loan repayment schedule created a shift; it reduced the number of instalments capable to hold on one page, ID Benin, Benin
9404 The second copy of the receipt for savings deposit (format General A4/2 copies per page) had overlapping lines which made it confusing to the user, ID Benin, Benin
9403 LPF could import time deposits without validating on the time deposit number, K-Rep Development Agency, Kenya
9401 LPF did not show or display opened time deposits at the withdrawal and modification windows, K-Rep Development Agency, Kenya
9399LPF incorrectly calculated the pre-paid principal whenever a prepayment was posted, ID Benin, Benin
9395 The balance sheet did not balance whenever a profit was realised in period.
9389 Closing a loan with the option recalculate interest activated was not possible as LPF gave a message,” Debit and Credit don’t tally called Business Object GL Trans”, Molyn Credit, Kenya
9388 An error message, “Account 10000 assets is a header account” was shown whenever user tried to post transactions to general ledger accounts that were not defined and configured in the LPF database.
9385 The interest calculation method for group savings using the monthly minimum balance method gave the message, “Interest charged group savings missing”. This caused the process to abort and user was unable to calculate interest at all, Buusa Gonofa, Ethiopia
9384 The photo folder was inaccessible under system/configuration/photos when using LPF on a Wide Area Network (WAN).
9381 If under configuration user set LPF to charge stationery fees as a percentage of the loan amount at loan application, the system did not compute the stationery fees for group loans.
9379 The loan status report when printed at menu retrieve loans could cut off the zeroes of the loan amounts, K-Rep Development Agency,
9377 The balance sheet did not display as it could just flicker when accessed, Pame/Agetip, Senegal
9484 LPF did not display client names in the lockup list when retrieved at the clients entry screen.
9476 LPF did not display the disbursement report as it could only flicker, East African Premier Investment, Uganda
9475 Registered clients did not appear at the savings account opening window and could not be retrieved on the individual clients’ registration window yet they appeared on the client report, K-Rep Development Agency, Kenya
9474 The pending disbursement report generated an error message,” OLE error code 0*80070057: Parameter is incorrect”, whenever it was accessed.
9450 LPF duplicated the time deposit number and the format was consistent. It was also not unique for each time deposit opened,
K-Rep Development Agency, Kenya
9434 The calculation of group savings interest using the monthly minimum balances gave incorrect results as LPF did not use the correct minimum balances and sometimes completely ignored them during the calculation of interest, Buusa Gonofa, Ethiopia
9433 User was unable to retrieve the report on clients after choosing the option, “All clients with and without balances” as LPF gave a message that an error occurred while retrieving data from the server.
9425 An error,” Open tables in database” was displayed at importation of loan disbursements, Remode Enterprises Ltd, Kenya
9419 The deletion of a loan disbursement that was made with some fees being charged did not reverse (delete) everything as development fees were not deleted leaving the trial balance not balancing, K-Rep Development Agency, Kenya
9418 When user entered more than one standing order, LPF gave a message that an error occurred in your program and the transaction could not be saved.
9408 The options regarding loan balances on the clients report were not well translated in French and the reports were the same for all the three options.
9407 It was impossible to search for an existing group while writing its Name and choosing the option,” Client exists?/Search by Name”,
ID Benin, Benin
9701 The number 300482 appeared at the time of updating due dates at disbursement for a client who had subscribed to SMS services but not for messages at loan disbursement.
9694 Closing a loan with no interest option activated still showed a running balance on the loan ledger card after the date of closure, Kasambya Sacco, Uganda
9691 User could not view the multi loan ledger card as it could only flicker, Hammer and Money Lenders, Zimbabwe
9685 If user sent a request using his/her phone for inquiry on the loan balance, a message, “36196 requested facility not implemented sending message failed”, was displayed as a reply on phone and SMS reports, Hammer and Money lenders, Zimbabwe
9681 If under system/configuration/loans, repayment priorities were modifiable, user could not save repayments that were edited as LPF gave the message, “No budget categories defined”, Lyamujungu SACCO, Uganda
9678 When a client deposited on an overdraft account, the account was credited. However, the savings general ledger (GL) account was debited and the cash credited and the description was “Withdrawal”. This has been corrected, Lyamujungu SACCO, Uganda
9675 The summary report appeared like the detailed one for the repayment of dues report and the outstanding balances report,
ID Benin, Benin
9669 When user withdrew a time deposit, it still appeared on the outstanding time deposit report for the date range in which it was not supposed to appear.
9661 User could not transfer savings deposits from one savings product to another as LPF gave the message that required amount for loan guarantee is zero, withdrawal from this account refused, ID Benin, Benin
9660 User was able to withdraw time deposits as many times as possible as it still appeared in the time deposit withdraw window, Inclusive Financial Services (IFS), Ghana
9657 LPF did not update the general ledger(GL)with the opening balances after closing the financial year, Credit Populaire de Centrafrique,
Central African Republic
9656 The dividend report did not show the current share balance values when calculating dividends.
9653 User could not make a repayment using the Multi-purpose Deposit menu option as the system generated an error, “variable nDebit and nCredit passed to Business Object GL trans are zero”, ID Benin, Benin
9650 LPF generated a wrong required guarantee savings amount required at loan application. The system did not respect the settings as set under system/configuration/loan product settings/guarantee, ID Benin, Benin
9644 It was not possible to register a group member with an ID document added as LPF displayed the message that the date of issue of must be later than client’s birth date even when that was the case.
9620 User has been restricted from opening a time deposit by savings transfer for group clients whose savings are tracked at member level as this created inconsistencies between the group and member savings balances.
9618 The SMS feature has been improved and incorporated in 8.12.06.
9602 The ordering was wrong for ledger card records as it was possible for the first instalment due to fall before the disbursement date for a loan with interest and also commissions deducted at disbursement and also processed on the same date.
9599 User was unable to close the configuration screen under register part 1 as the reverting table was missing,
Camec Inkisi, Congo Brazzaville
9597 The automatic backup feature was not working and this forced user to backup via the MS SQL Service Management Studio, K-Rep Development Agency, Kenya
9593 If a loan was disbursed on the same working day, It did not appear on the disbursement report for that particular day and date.
9592 It was not possible to generate group member reports with and without outstanding balances only, Turame Community Finance, Burundi
9587 The disbursement report did not open. It could simply flicker, Hammer and Money Lenders, Zimbabwe
9586 LPF did not display deleted disbursements under the portfolio reports, Baitambogwe SACCO, Uganda
9582 If user renewed a time deposit, LPF counted the months for the new time deposit starting from the initial deposit date and not the renew date resulting into wrong interest computation for the time deposit at maturity.
9580 LPF did not reverse the disbursement by savings transfer from the savers statement when the loan disbursement was deleted leading to incorrect savings balances, Baitambogwe SACCO, Uganda
9558 An error message "Alias name is already in use.(returned from function:ServerminSavint)(returned from Function: ServerCalcSavingsint) was displayed when Calculating interest on savings, Akeezimbira SACCO,
9550 An error message, “ error occurred retrieving data from server” was displayed when transferring a member from one group to another,
Buusa Gonofaa Microfinance Share Company, Ethiopia
9543 When user disbursed a loan with commission deducted at disbursement, a message appeared that Debit and Credit do not tally and the user could not proceed with the transaction, Turame Community Microfinance, Burundi
9541 Archiving loans in LPF was not possible as a message was displayed, “Error occurred retrieving data from server, please try again later”, Turame Community Finance, Burundi
9539 It was impossible to withdraw from a client’s savings account all his/her savings even if the minimum balance at configuration was set to zero, K-Rep Development Agency, Kenya
9532 If user asked for a disbursement report from a database with no loans disbursed in period, LPF generated an error, “Error occurred retrieving data from server, please try again”
9506 LPF did not update the interest calculation period after calculating interest on savings using the end of period balances method, Buusa Gonofaa Microfinance Share Company, Ethiopia
9491 The charges and rewards were not being saved on the client’s savers statement even after the process appeared to have been successfully executed, Busiu SACCO, Uganda
9488 The opening of a time deposit by savings transfer for a client who had more than one savings product resulted into the transaction being reflected on a wrong a savings product, Busiu SACCO, Uganda
9487 The balance sheet was not capturing all transactions in a multi-currency database as the report was processing different transactions of different currencies in the base currency, Turame Community Finance, Burundi
9484 LPF did not display client names in the lockup list at the client registration screen.
9475 Registered clients did not appear at the savings account opening window and could not be retrieved at the individual client registration window yet they appeared on the client report, K-Rep Development Agency, Kenya
9474 The pending disbursement report generated an error, “Error occurred retrieving data from the server, please try again later”.
9470 The interest paid on savings accounts report printed a wrong date compared to what was selected.
9455 LPF showed a wrong VAT payment on the loan ledger card and even deducted it from the total balance even when the client had not made any repayments for principal, interest and commissions.
9450 LPF duplicated time deposit numbers and the format of the time deposit number was not consistent and unique in the database. This messed up the database.
9434 The savings interest calculation method using the monthly minimum balances generated incorrect interest amounts as LPF did not consider correct minimum balances in the computation of interest per client, Buusa Gonofa Microfinance Share Company,
9433 An error, “ Open tables in database” was generated at importation of loan loan disbursements, Remode Enterprises Ltd, Uganda
9419 The deletion of a loan disbursement that was made with fees charged did not reverse everything in the general ledger. The development fees were not deleted, leaving the trial balance not balancing, K-Rep Development Agency, Kenya
9418 When user entered more than one standing order, LPF generated a message, “ An error occurred in your program”
9408 The options regarding loan balances on the Clients Report are not well translated in french and the reports are the same for all three options.", ID Benin, Benin


8239    Differences in reporting between LPF710 and LPF 8 for Report on Black listed clients resolved, Eclof, Tanzania
8455    User could not enter the guarantor’s Identification documents when adding a new guarantor from the loan application loan entry part 3
8503 Compulsory fields were not enforced when applying for a loan, Advance Microfinance Uganda
8513 Standard report option on budget report window did not display, Turame Community Finance, Burundi
8529 Loan refinance failed without a user-friendly message about the cause, Ugafin, Uganda
8538 Personal Ledger report did not display the payment details for a loan, Heri Microfinance, Tanzania
8563 User can now delete a specific penalty on a loan, even if there are repayments after this, Molyn Credit, Kenya
8656 When viewing the PAR report in summary form, LPF did not display the number of loans for each Product, ID, Benin.
8676 The column for amounts on the Fees Received Report was dropping off the page, Hammer and Money Lenders, Zimbabwe.
8738 The Arrears  report was too slow and did not consider range in days set at additional filtering options, Turame Community Finance, Burundi.
8765 LPF did not recognize overpayments, even when it is well configured and the GL account for over payments defined, IFS Financial Services, Ghana
8817 The Loan Till Sheet did not display the same figures for loan repayments as the Loan Ledger Card, Buusaa Gonofaa, Ethiopia
8822 The label at Breakdown report for cash entries was always "Cash Book". This has been replaced by the actual description, Turame Community Finance, Burundi
8833 If user entered a loan repayment and a savings deposit together on the loan repayment form, LPF now uses a single transaction code instead of 2 separate codes, Turame Community Finance, Burundi
8852 Charges and Rewards did not run to completion and also generated errors, Turame Community Finance, Burundi
8874 The report on changes in configuration gave an error (Selects are not UNION compatible), Agros International, USA
8878 When opening a savings account, LPF did not print a receipt when making an initial deposit, ID, Benin
8890 Repayment by cheque gave a message that the cheque for loan disbursement was not cleared, Agros International, USA
8891 If user postponed due dates, LPF generated an error, Agros International, USA
8896 The Audit trail could not be displayed, Buusaa Gonofaa, Ethiopia
8897 User could not print cheques if activated at System/print cheques. LPF sometimes froze or closed the window, Agros International, USA
8898 Error at printing of notification letters: Error "Notifs.Name", Agros International, USA
8899 The write-off of one or more loans was not possible, Agros International, USA
8924 Although LPF set back the login date if no day-closure was done, LPF still booked client registration on dates after the reset login date.
8932 The Indicators Reports in 8.11.02 and 8.12.02 did not match. Also the first 3 indicators now refer to the requested period, not since the start of the program, Paidek, DR Congo
8938 For loans on declining balance, LPF excluded some loans at importation of loan repayments and the ones imported had wrong figures compared to the excel temperate, Molyn Credit, Kenya
8945 All receipts that have 2 copies per page have the same page height (23.8 cm) and the separation at 12 cm, ID, Benin
8949 Importation of loan repayments replicated some repaid amounts
8954 LPF could not generate the Cash transactions Report, Credit Populaire, Central Africa
8956 LPF generated wrong amounts (principal, interest) on repayment, especially for pre-payments, Credit Populaire, Central Africa
8985 The Cash transaction report did not display when the option 'show client names' is checked, Masaka Elders SACCO, Uganda
9000 Loan repayment errors for loans on declining balance, Molyn Credit, Kenya
9001 The grid at Configuration/Loan Product Settings/GL Accounts 2/2 did not show the data of the default product, ID, Benin
9015 At cash payments /receipts the receipt generated did not have denominations.
9024 The deletion of a loan repayment gave a file open error.
9031 LPF gave a message that over-payments were not allowed for loans on declining balance.
9041 Modification of time deposit did not save, IFS Financial Services, Ghana
9047 After interest had been remitted to a savings account, the savers statement did not show the details of the transaction; it only showed the balance, IFS Financial Services, Ghana


8340    The Outstanding Balances report has an option to select de-classified loans only, the menu Ageing report has an extension where a report can be run on the movement of de-classified Loans between the diffent arrears classes and the Repayments of Written Off Loans report can be run for de-classified loans (Alide, Benin).

8347    The calculation of accrued interest was not correct. LPF just calculated the interest for the month but did not included the interest accumulated in the previous month, since the last loan repayment (Alide, Benin).

8569 When one imports savings withdrawal transactions with commission, the commission is not recognized i.e. it’s not deducted from the client’s account (Busiu SACCO, Uganda).

8745 When the day was closed using date format dd/mm/yyyy date settings, the Para table was updated with the wrong date setting (Buusaa Gonofaa, Ethiopia).

8723 The system generates a wrong loan number at loan application (Coopec Kalundu, DR Congo).

8724 The user can not write the client code when he open savings account;he must choose the code (Coopec Kalundu, DR Congo).

8726 A pre-payment for a group  loan on declining balance was not possible (Coopec Kalundu, DR Congo).

8816 The loan disbursement for a centralized database with different branch codes gave an error message that branch codes doesn't match when posting the transaction to the GL (Coopec Kalundu, DR Congo).

8205 When a loan is written off, the interest was still shown as outstanding at Loan Refinancing (Credimujer, Costa Rica).

7217 Using the Calendar/Date Picker to enter the start of membership while adding a new member to an already existing group gave an error (Function argument value, type or count is invalid) (Eclof, Tanzania).

8251 Portfolio At Risk report included loans with dues on the reporting date even if the checkbox is not ticked (Eclof, Tanzania).

8566 The Income history for an individual client could not be saved (error: Table buffer … contains uncomitted changes) (FSA).

6736 On the Savers Statement report for multiple clients (page  2), a filter is added for geographic areas and cost centres (Ghana Mineworkers Union, Ghana).

8762 When importing time deposits, an error was generated (Variable ' CERRFILE' is not found) (IFS Financial Services, Ghana).

8831 Wrong interest amounts were calculated when withdrawing Time Deposit interest only (IFS Financial Services, Ghana).

7323 User is able to round up/down the savings that is part of the loan repayment schedule at loan application page 2 (Keshav Gore Smarak Trust, India).

5644 The functionality to make a transfer from one savings account to another - at Transfer Savings Deposit - has been extended to make a transfer to from one account to many others (K-Rep Development Agency, Kenya).

8599 When starting the SMS Server, an error popped up (File myunit.prg does not exist) (Molyn Credit).

5931 An improvement has been made for the transfer of a savings amount to repayment the loan through SMS banking. User can enter the savings account, the loan account and the amount to transfer. Upon receipt LPF sends back the new savings balance, the new loan balance and the next due date (Molyn Credit, Kenya).

8677 Added option to calculate penalties based on Outstanding Principal (Molyn Credit, Kenya).

8320 The Overdraft Charge was incorrectly booked (NED Consultants, Nigeria).

8420 The Indicators Report showed differences between version 7.10.14 and version 8.11 (Paidek, DR Congo).

7932 When posting creditor payments, the message "Invoice Currency is different from the currently selected currency" was displayed (Pame/Agetip, Senegal).

7958 At Modify Guarantors and Collateral, guarantors were not displayed when the loanee is selected (Pame/Agetip, Senegal).
8646 A client could be black-listed twice (Pame/Agetip, Senegal).

7357 Speed Issue: the entry of a financial transaction (Accounts menu) was very slow (Turame Community Finance, Burundi).

7358 Speed Issue: the Trial Balance, Income and Expense Statement and Balance sheet were very slow (Turame Community Finance, Burundi).

8408 Automatic Provisioning did not run successfully (Turame Community Finance, Burundi).

8651 The revaluation of foreign account balances was not working when entering a new exchange rate. The idea is that with every new exchange rate, LPF takes the balances of the particular foreign currency account and debits/credits the account with the appreciated or depreciated amount. This is balanced off against the Currency Gains and Losses account (defined at Configuration/Exchange rates). LPF does not include Income and Expense accounts in this exercise (Turame Community Finance, Burundi).

8712 The Breakdown report did not respect the end of period date and showed all transactions, even after this date (Turame Community Finance, Burundi).

8730 When importing Financial Transactions, the system auto generated transaction codes for each line of a single transaction which is supposed to be having a single transaction code (Turame Community Finance, Burundi).

5563 The "Passerelle" developed by "Solid" on behalf of "Projet AFR/017 Promotion de secteurs financiers inclusifs dans la Zone UEMOA" has been included in LPF. The menu item "BCEAO reports" now runs the main functionality of the "Passerelle": create an XML file based on the Trial Balance, verify this XML file and run all financial reports required by the BCEAO. Also the non-financial reports are added.
6504 An error message is displayed when importing loan repayments ("can not access the selected table").

6606 Added SMS functionality to check a Time Deposit on LPF Mobile

6627 Repayments of written off loans were missing in the Loan Till Sheet.

6712 Branch codes and GL Accounts could not be set at Configuration/Accounting, page Inter-Branch Transactions for a multi-branch database

6921 The Savings Balances report did not include Time-deposits that have been fully repaid if printed for a date when the TD was active (Bug 5822 of 7.10.14 ).

7089 Added a report "Due for a future payment" to know how much is due for a client at a future date. This is important especially for loans on declining balance where interest is recalculated for a future date.

7607 An identifier of the user has been added to the transaction code (required in a WAN environment if data is to be syncronised).

7906 An error occurred when buying shares (End Transaction cannot be issued without a corresponding Begin Transaction)

8504 Approval date for old  loan records showed 01/01/1990 for all records at "Automatic Loan Disbursment

8544 LPF calculated wrongly the loan guarantee savings needed when applying for a loan.

8581 When you call the Portfolio At Risk report in summary form, an error message was shown asking to open a table.

8583 At Configuration Users, the user can be given the right to () Add clients and/or () Modify clients. If these are not explicitly assigned, the user can only view client data.
8586 Break down per account did not open from the tab General. It just flickered but did not display the report.

8600 Registration of the first client on a fresh database did not assign a client code automatically

8650 LPF allowed future dates at withdrawal of Time Deposit, and this allowed the client to withdrawal more than once

8107 A Year-To-Date column added on the PMT report

8663 Error on importation of PMT XML in a central database.

8800 On the PMT report the Indicators B14, B30 and B39  were incorrect.

8801 Indicator B25 on the PMT report for Q2, Q3 and Q4 and the Cummulative figures do not pick the correct ledger balances.

8628 On the PMT report Code B35 did not pick the current period profit & Loss figure. Also code B36 did not display the retained earnings.

8682 Error on importation of Loan repayments, LPF returned a message ' Can not access the selected table Impfil"

8749 When adding Budget Categories an error was generated (''Table <Budget cat> Passed to function< Getchanged fields>Must be buffered")

8759 LPF produced an error at group registration (Function argument value, type or count is invalid)

8779 The LPF image at login has been replaced

8780 Error appeared when importation of clients (message "rowid")

8788 Error "specified loan fund does not exist" was displayed the first time when you disbursed a loan by cheque.

8789 Loan disbursement by savings transfer created an error (Cannot insert explicit value…).

8793 Entry of Group member (while using a fresh database) in a multi-branch databases and if fees are being charged, created an error (Cannot insert the value .Null.).
8795 Making a partial disbursement for loans on declining balance gave an error message (Connectivity error).

8798 LPF gave an incorrect message when user disbursed a loan by savings transfer for a client who had no savings account defined (message was that the loan was closed).

8814 The system generated a error message (Variable 'TDAY' not found) when writing off several loans

8824 The importation of loan disbursements was not possible (although LPF reports that the importation was successful).


8422      A problem with the calculation of penalties for each instalment: if the grace period is set to 180 days, LPF still calculated penalties for loans that are in arrears for less than this period

8419     When a user makes a group member repayment, the message "Empty account passed to Business Object GL Trans" pops up.

8384        Speed Issue: The Group Member Loan Repayment form took 15 minutes to load, now this is reduced to 30 seconds

8371        LPF did not look at the last day closed when validating the max. no of days that a user can login after last day closure.

8369        Loan Collection Sheet page 1 gave error "Variable <Groupby> not defined" if "Additional filter criteria" is checked 

8364        A loan repayment entered at menu "Loans/Group Member Repayments" booked the principal incorrectly into the memrepay table

8359        Error when viewing Ledger card (DK/001305), error when  making payment for commission, error when viewing Client savings account statement, error when making a loan repayment

8356        When transferring savings from one group member to another group member, i.e. between groups, LPF  said ''The transferred has ended membership"

8351       When you entered a loan application with weekly (or some other type) instalments and saved this and later chose the 2nd menu item "Modify Loan" and changed the instalment type to "monthly" and saved, the message "loan amount does not match total principal" was presented

8345      Purpose of the loan added to the header of the Loan Repayment Schedule

8337        When entering a loan application and clicking Next button, error "Variable Accnr is not found" was generated

8314        Payment of Loan Application fees after approval returned an error if user continued entry for a second client

8309        Disbursing a loan by transfer to client's Bank Account was impossible

8308      Importing GL transactions generated an error "Alias <Para> is not found"

8302      Impossible to delete/reverse a loan repayment. LPF gave a message "Alias <N> not found"

8298      The Time deposit calculation method labels were overlapping one another

8295      Savings Cheque deposit created another line transaction on the savers statement saying "Withdrawal" of a zero amount

8293      Report on Outstanding balances for group members returned duplicated records

8291      Users could not transfer members to another group

8290      Saving a Multi-purpose deposit generated a system error "Variable <MCDate> not found"

8283    On withdrawal of a time deposit, LPF calculated the interest amount for 1 month only even if this was for a longer period

8271      Chart of Account disappears on modifying an account number and replacing it with another

8269      At loan disbursement, if stationery fee, loan commission and/or development fee are paid, the receipt interchanged labels and brought a wrong label loan guarantee instead of development fee

8208      When a loan is prepaid, the pre-paid principal is not updated automatically when other values e.g. commissions due is varied

8207    When penalty is set to be calculated automatically at login, the message none exist is displayed at login although the user can calculate the same manually

8206      The loan repayment did not display the penalty if on the same day a penalty was charged

8202      Loan Till Sheet Report does not show all the posted transactions

8200      When penalty is charged and user prints the repayment schedule using Reprint Repayment Schedule, the penalty transactions appears with zero amount

8174      When transferring a time deposit withdraw to a savings account error  message 'Empty value cprodID passed to function getproductvar.'

8167      Importation of Fixed assets data pops with an error

8158      Remove LPF DOCUMENT PRINTER so that the user does not select it from the print list as it creates errors in many place - user should select PDF option if they want PDF output

8149      When retrieving loans is proceeded with a message containing figures 

8146      Loan Repayment Schedule for some group members are incorrect for weekly loans

8142      When a weekly loan is applied for as a monthly loan, the message loan amount does not match total principal installment is displayed and user cannot save the loan application

8131      At Loan Disbursement, the system hangs when user clicks Next    

8118      The message "Error: Function argument value, type, or count is invalid" is displayed when printing Outstanding balance Report

7851     Missing Savings transactions on either member or group level accounts

7775     Repeated Names in Disbursement report & Error at disbursement


7699    The patch for upgrading an SQL Database failed on 64 bit computers with Win 7.

7901    There was a problem with previous patches for version 8. If the patching was done on a computer with non-European date formats, the value for the start of the interest calculation for savings products could become incorrect (Anh Chi Em, Vietnam).

7946    When a cheque is deposited into a savings account, it appeared in the Issued Cheques Report instead of received Cheques Report.

7922    When importing co-account holders, LPF required the client code of the co-holder even if user indicated that the status for "Co-A/C holder is also a client?" was "N". Now you can leave this blank while importing.  

7921    A misleading error message was given if at importation of Individual clients, user made a mistake with the registration date. 7912    A message "Something went wrong ...." was displayed when saving a new guarantor in an SQL database (Pame/Agetip, Senegal).

7887    Importation of Individual clients was not possible even when the template was properly filled. LPF said "unrecognized title" even when the column for title was not filled in the template.

7881    An error occurred when trying to run the Breakdown per Accounts Report (Turame Community Finance, Burundi).

7862    After patching a 710 database to version 8 all the registration dates of the guarantors “disappeared”. They in fact did not disappear as they never had a registration date; user just needs to update this (Credimujer, Costa Rica).

7818    The message "Error: Variable 'SEX' is not found” was displayed when printing Savings Transactions Report summary          (SAI, India).

7812    When the user views the Group Members Amount Due report for large volumes of data, an error was displayed (“Visual Foxpro needs to close”, Turame Community Finance, Burundi).

7804    Modification of loan interest at loan application part one, was not shown at loan entry part 3 though the modified rate is what the system uses (Harmos Micro Enterprise Development Ltd, Zambia)

7800    When a user tried to retrieve loan guarantors an error message “Function, argument, value, type or count is invalid” showed up (Harmos Micro Enterprise Development Ltd, Zambia).

7799    The message "An error occurred retrieving data from server...." was displayed when posting a loan application in a WAN environment (Harmos Micro Enterprise Development Ltd, Zambia).

7798    When printing the Report on Clients, State at a Particular Day for individual clients in a WAN, the message "Error Message: ERR connectivity error...." was displayed (Harmos Micro Enterprise Development Ltd, Zambia).

7797    When user selected disbursed and reject loans at Retrieve Loans, the display was too fast and s/he could not view the loans (Harmos Micro Enterprise Development Ltd, Zambia).

7788    The Break Down report could generate an error “File is file too large” (Turame Community Finance, Burundi).

7779    When a user tried to edit a user in a WAN environment, LPF did not save and refresh (clear screen ) to allow a user to transact across branches (Harmos Micro Enterprise Development Ltd, Zambia).

7707    Savings balances report now has totals for the balance column.

7661    When the user posted a transaction for a group and viewed the Group Members Savings Statement for all members, the transaction was not displayed (Turame Community Finance, Burundi).

7635    Speed Issue: The Period balances report took too long (Pame/Agetip, Senegal).

7634    User could not access deleted penalties and repayments in the Deleted loans/ Repayments/ penalties report.  LPF showed an error message “Variable <LAMOUNT> is not found” (Pame/Agetip, Senegal).


7609    A message “Cannot access the selected table <ImpFil>”�was displayed when importing the chart of accounts in a blank database (Mbarara University Grants Office, Uganda).

7598    Two guarantors could be entered with the same Identity document number even if at configuration this has to be unique (Credimujer, Costa Rica).

7578    Retrieving loans under WAN showed an error message before taking the User to the correct window but there were no loans displayed (Harmos Micro Enterprise Development Ltd, Zambia).

7557    Principal in arrears in the following reports was different: Arrears report, PAR report, Aging report and Performance monitoring report .
- The Total repaid amount was different when you compared the Repayment list with the Indicators report (though the total repayment in the Indicators report is the same as that of the Performance Monitoring report).
- The Outstanding balances total was different when you compared the Outstanding balances report and the PAR report. Also the total loan amount was different.
- The PAR per age class say 1-30, 31-60, 61-90 and 91-120 was different if you compared the Aging report, the PAR report and the Performance monitoring report.
- The Amount of fully repaid loans was different from that of the PMT report.

7501    LPF terminated when you viewed the Fully repaid loans report.     

7480    Modifying a GL transaction, created a new transaction number (Mbarara University Grants Office, Uganda).

7478    The Database backup did not store the path provided (Mbarara University Grants Office, Uganda).

7405    LPF did not increase the Registration Code when clients were being registered in a multi-branch database  (Harmos Micro Enterprise Development Ltd, Zambia).

7384    The description on the deposit receipt was not clear and has been improved (Pame/Agetip, Senegal).

7914    LPF displayed a wrong message that the account is closed when posting a savings withdrawal from an account without funds (Credimujer, Costa Rica).

7369    The message "Error Message: File '….\lpfdata.dbc' does not exist...." was displayed when printing Tied Shares & Savings for Outstanding Loans Report (Pame/Agetip, Senegal).

7209    When a user entered a savings deposit by cheque, the cheque deposit was displayed in the bank account before the cheque was cleared.

1713 and 7782            Improved speed for working in a WAN. We tested from an internet café with a database at our server in the office where we have a 1 Mbps shared link. To start LPF until login screen takes 2 minutes, to get the menus takes 5, to look up a client takes 2, to save a savings deposit takes 5 minutes. We are still working on this.        

7905    The user was not able to disburse a loan, LPF generated file open dialog box (Pame/Agetip, Senegal).

7869    The Menu <Import Branch Data> was available in normal database but not in a corporate database (Turame Community Finance, Burundi).

7844    When using the module Charges and Rewards, LPF was recognizing amounts with decimals only when the option "Savings Accounts cannot be overdrawn" was un-checked (Smico, DR Congo).

7838    Wen withdrawing a TD and sending the amount to a Savings Account, LPF did not display the Savings Account/Product (Smico, DR Congo).

7810    When working on WAN, user could not enter loan application, modification, disbursement, repayment or loan deletion (Harmos Micro Enterprise Development Ltd, Zambia).

7808    If a user changed Print members receipts from yes to no and vice versa at configuration of receipts, a message “Table Para … must be buffered” appeared (Harmos Micro Enterprise Development Ltd, Zambia).

7760    LPF terminated when you tried to preview calculated interest on savings.  

7742    At Loan product setting, activating or de-activating loan application fees, had no effect for the loans menu. 7728    The report at Calculation of depreciation on assets has been improved.       

7720    An error message " Undefined error [error message string missing]" was displayed when updating savings accounts with calculated interest in WAN environment (Harmos Micro Enterprise Development Ltd, Zambia).

7708    An error message " File 'getproductvar.prg' does not exist...." was displayed when importing loan applications.

7706    An error message " Function argument value, type or count is invalid..." was displayed when importing charges and rewards.

7684    LPF did not sent/receive some SMS messages for some menus.

1. It did not send a message when Time deposit matured (both Group and individuals)
2. It did not send a message to Guarantors when a loan was disbursed
3. It didn't send a message to the group when a disbursement was made
3. It didn't send a message to the specified members (chairman etc.) x days before the due date.
4. It didn't send a message for checking of loans balance and loan arrears.
5. It allowed Bill payments but it didn't credit the account of the beneficially though it debited the account of the one paying.

7669    LPF did not display the group member information in the Clients report after importation when some fields were left blank.   

7666    If fingerprint scanning was set as compulsory at withdrawal, a message "Please verify client's fingerprint(s) to continue” was displayed at choosing a client for withdrawal but there was no option to scan the fingerprint.

7636    At SMS configuration, when a user selected the saved modems, the information was not displayed among the connected modems.

7614    The Report on Fees Received now also include fees received from SMS Banking, Standing Orders, and issued cheques from current accounts.

7491    The deduction of a loan guarantee deposit at disbursement for group loans was not working (Mbarara University Grants Office, Uganda).

7393    The Graduated members were not reflected in the individual clients report (Harmos Micro Enterprise Development Ltd, Zambia).

7354    Speed Issue: The entry of a loan repayment took too long (SQL) (Turame Community Finance, Burundi).

7343    When restoring a database, an error message "ERROR -HANDLER was not found” was displayed.

7273    When new groups were registered with savings tracking at member level, the member balances were not reflected at Savings Balances Report Page 2 although they appeared on Page 1.

7256    The Compulsory Savings Report was hanging if the database was large.

7183    When a user tried to save a transaction by automatic posting an error message “Unknown member LBXBOOK” was displayed and there was no information saved.

7132    An error message " File 'getlab.prg' does not exist” was displayed at Pending Disbursement Report.

7109    Exchange rates set for a period were not recognized during inter-currency savings transfer.

7991    When the user clicked on Budgeting an open file dialog was displayed (CBC Health Board, Cameroon)

7915    Budget report did not show Budget Items/Accounts and Budgeted figures when the option show GL account details was selected (CBC Health Board, Cameroon)

7424    The list of banks was distorted when make a cheque repayment (Jislah Microfinance, Ghana)

7853    The message “Error Message: User Thrown Error…” was displayed when changing to the WOCCU chart of accounts at Configuration/Accounts in en empty database (WAT Saccos, Tanzania)

7977    User was able to end membership for group clients who still had outstanding balances (Turame Community Finance, Burundi).

7959    LPF reported pre-paid principal wrongly (pre-paid principal plus pre-paid interest was more than the total pre-paid).

7913    At Guarantors and Collateral Report, the user could not select either using the loan numbers or names (Pame/Agetip, Senegal).

7908    It was impossible to view the Trial balance and income statement  using mapped accounts.

7902    When the user printed rejected loans at Retrieve Loans, the message "No transactions found..." is displayed.

7899    When the user saved changes on the closing date of a loan fund, the changes were not saved.

7897    All Loan Disbursement and Outstanding balances reports now specify the number of individual, groups and the number of group members (Izdihar, Iraq).

7884    Error Message" Error: SQL: Column 'MEMID' is not found" was displayed when retrieving the Loan Ledger Card and loan tracking was at member level (Turame Community Finance, Burundi).

7872    Commission on savings was booked wrongly in the general ledger account when posted using menu Savings/Multi-purpose Deposit. Loan Performer debited the income account instead of crediting it and the savings account was not deducted by the commission charge. The posting was correct if done from menu Savings/Deposit  (Turame Community Finance, Burundi).

7838    When withdrawing a Time-Deposit and sending the amount to a Savings Account, LPF was not displaying the Savings Account/Product of the client (Smico, DRC Congo).

7834    An error occurred at Disbursement when the Option "Print Receipt" was enabled. Disbursement Receipt could not be printed (Smico, DRC Congo).

7833    An error – “Alias already in use” – occurred when user deleted a Loan Disbursement (Smico, DRC Congo).

7791    V.A.T calculation were wrong for Loan Application Fees  (Smico, DRC Congo).


7875       When importing into a SQL branch databases, the open file dialog is displayed before the user can select the databases to consolidate (Anh Chi Em, Vietnam)

7873       When importing branch data in a corporate database, user gets error message "License tampered with" and cannot import (Turame, Burundi)

7847       If at deposit user selects Transfer to/from Bank, the GL account of the bank is not entirely visible (Turame, Burundi)

7830       Outstanding Balance report does not show group loan with outstanding balances (Maata-N-Tudu, Ghana)

7826       Outstanding Balance Report is showing even Loans which have no outstanding balance amounts (Maata-N-Tudu, Ghana)

7746       Error when importing CLient data at Loan Application

7721       An error message "operator /operand mismatch was displayed" when a user saved a group client who has member with both checkboxes for "Member is also an individual client" and "Member is also a guarantor" active.

7716       The message "error Message: LPURPID is not unique and must be qualified" was displayed at Group Members Arrears Report Format 2 (Maata-N-Tudu, Ghana)

7616       The message "Error Message: File c:\ too large" was displayed when viewing Deleted Loans/Repayments/Penalties Report (Maata-N-Tudu, Ghana)

7615       At Loan History Report, the user could not select the loans to view (Maata-N-Tudu, Ghana)

7612       The message "Error Message: Variable 'DAYS' is not found was displayed when printing Arrears Report (Maata-N-Tudu, Ghana)

7604       The listing of repayment showed different (wrong) figures/amounts than the Loan Ledger Card (Maata-N-Tudu, Ghana)

7582       Close savings account returned an error, "an error occurred retrieving data from the server" (SAI, India)

7427       The required savings amount at loan application or disbursement was incorrect in case of guarantee for a loan.

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