Loan Performer is the number 1 Microfinance software for MFI institutions worldwide
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General Features


Loans can be tracked at either the group level or at the level of the group members. Group members have to be entered into the program with at least name, member number, gender and membership date and other information. 
  When entering a loan for a group, the total loan amount is broken down into what each member received. Thus LOAN PERFORMER can produce reports on target group (how many loans haven been disbursed per sector, by males/females, how many group members have received a first-time-loan, etc.). If tracking at group member level is activated, you can create a repayment schedule for each group member. 

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Regarding loan repayments, LOAN PERFORMER suggests a due amount for the group and if tracking at group member level is activated, also for the group members. You can change the amounts if more or less has been paid. If tracking at member level is activated, LOAN PERFORMER tracks the account balances for the whole group as well as for its members.

LOAN PERFORMER works with "loan products". Each product has characteristics (interest, installment periods etc.). The manager can set default values for each of these characteristics and indicates whether these values are compulsory at the point of entry or not. Thus the program can be configured to be very rigid or very flexible.

Each loan has to be classified according to Loan Fund, Credit Officer in charge and Business Sector. You can also define 3 additional categories to classify loans. E.g. one category can be used to define the use of the loan as "Assets" or "Working Capital", another category can be used to distinguish between "Subsidised" and "Non-Subsidised" loans and a third to classify loans as "Consumer Loans" and "Production Loans". For each category you can enter up to 999 different alternatives. You can create reports on disbursement, outstanding balances, repayment rates and repaid amounts for each alternative.

Installments can be entered as daily, weekly, bi-weekly, half-monthly, monthly, two-monthly, quarterly, four-monthly, five-monthly, semi-annual or annual installments. A grace period can be entered as well. LOAN PERFORMER proposes a loan repayment schedule, based on the information of the user. But for each installment, date, principal amount, interest or commission can be modified to suit specific repayment needs. This feature can be en-/disabled in the configuration. The manager can enter non-working days and holidays. Due dates that fall on one of these days can be reported automatically to the last working day before the due date or to the next working day (or not changed at all).

For individual loans, guarantors and/or collateral have to be supplied (if defined in the configuration). Interest can be calculated on a Flat Rate, Declining Balance Amortization or Declining Balance Discounted.

Interest calculation can be set according to loan period in number of days or according to installment period. All interest can be paid in equal parts with every installment, all with the first installment or interest is deducted from the disbursed amount. It is even possible to calculate a repayment schedule whereby the client has to pay only interest installments during the grace period. Also balloon payments at the end of the loan are supported.

The branch manager can set a percentage of the loan amount that should be available as a Loan Guarantee amount on the savings account. If this percentage is set to 0%, the loan module can be used independently of the savings module. Otherwise LOAN PERFORMER will check whether the loan guarantee is available on the savings account to guarantee the loan. The percentage can be set by the manager. Withdrawals from the loan guarantee or compulsory savings account are possible up to the balance that guarantees the loan. If the client has more than 1 loan outstanding, the threshold is much higher. As soon as the loan is paid off (or the loan application rejected), the client can withdraw beyond the original balance.

You can set a parameter to indicate whether Commission and/or Stationary has to be paid. LOAN PERFORMER supports 2 types of commission, both as a percentage of the loan amount, and 1 type, which is just a flat amount. The branch manager can set the percentages and the amounts as parameters in the program and he/she can indicate whether the data-entry person may change the defaults. You can indicate whether commissions have to be paid for all loan applications or only for approved loans. Commissions can be paid in cash, by cheque or as a transfer to the MFI's bank account.

Disbursements can be made either in cash, by cheque, to the clients bank account or to the clients savings account. Total interest can be deducted at disbursement. Disbursements can be made in installments. At disbursement you can also deduct charges.

It is not necessary to enter repayments in chronological order. Loan repayments can be made in cash, by cheque, by a withdrawal from the savings account or as a payment directly from the client to the MFI's bank account.

The amount entered as a repayment serves first and for all to repay any outstanding penalties. After that: interest past due, principal past due, interest due and principal due (in this order). Any remaining amount is a pre-payment. However there is an option to deviate from this behavior.

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Loan repayments can be imported from external files (from DBF, XLS or TXT file formats).

Penalties can be added manually to the loan account by the user, or can be calculated automatically by the computer. In the last case, the branch manager can set the penalty as a percentage of a) the principal in arrears, b) the principal and interest in arrears or c) the principal, interest and penalties in arrears. He/she can also indicate how long the computer has to calculate penalties automatically (e.g. up to 6 months after the expiry date of the loan).

The branch manager can also ask LOAN PERFORMER to automatically print Notification Letters for clients in arrears. The contents of each letter can be defined by the user as well as the frequency of sending the letter (e.g. only for loans of between 30 and 60 days in arrears). Also labels can be generated for these letters.

Loan Provisions can be calculated on the fly. The user can define 5 categories of bad loans according to the number of days in arrears. For each category and for each type of client a percentage can be set to be calculated on the principal in arrears and to be added to the loan provision. If so indicated, the loan provision general ledger accounts (one for individual clients, one for groups) will be updated automatically to reflect the correct balance.

Loans can be Rescheduled or Written Off. Rescheduling has been made very flexible. You can add additional installments or remain with the same installments and re-arrange the principal and interest amounts. This means you can e.g. shift installments to a future date without charging additional interest (suppose the client fell sick for 3 months and you want to shift all dues 3 months ahead).

Loans can be Archived and later on De-archived. So if your database becomes slow because of old loans you can just archive all loans up to a certain date and save them in a separate database.

Some Reports produced by the Loan Tracking Module
  • Loan ledger cards for a single loan
  • Repayment schedules
  • Arrears notification letters
  • A Loan Tillsheet for a certain day for either Cash and/or Cheque transactions, can be printed for all or only one single cashier or credit officer
  • Monitoring sheets (see below)
  • Pre-payments, Dues and Past Dues, either in detail or as a summary
  • A Maturity Report
  • A Fund Utilisation report
  • Arrears and Ageing reports (including a split up according to the 4 user-defined categories of bad loans), either in detail or as a summary
  • Loan Provision Reports
  • Loan Port folio Reports (including repayment rates and portfolio at risk ) per: business sectors, loan size, loan duration, loan sequence and sex.
  • Loan History Reports (loans per client in a certain period), either in detail or as a summary Loan Indicators Report
  • Guarantors and Collateral Reports
Planning data from an external Excel spreadsheet can be incorporated into LOAN PERFORMER. This spreadsheet has to produce the indicators below for every loan fund and for every financial year. When incorporated into LOAN PERFORMER, monitoring reports can be printed monthly. These reports compare targets to actual achievements with regard tot the following Indicators are used (more can be added on request)

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  • Number of loans disbursed
  • Amount of loans disbursed
  • Share of group loans in total principal outstanding
  • Number of individuals/groups with loans outstanding end of month
  • Number of new loan beneficiaries
  • Growth of portfolio
  • Repayment rates Principal
  • On time repayment rate Principal
  • Arrears repayment rate Principal
  • Actual repayment rate Principal
  • Principal Amounts due/past due and paid
  • Principal due
  • Principal past due beginning of month
  • Principal past due end of month
  • On time repayment of principal
  • Principal past due recovered
  • Prepayments received
  • Principal outstanding beginning of month
  • Principal outstanding end of month
  • Principal amount past due/Portfolio outstanding end of
  • month
  • Portfolio at risk
  • Portfolio at exceptional risk
  • On time repayment rate Interest
  • Arrears repayment rate Interest
  • Actual repayment rate Interest
  • Interest Amounts due/past due and paid
  • Interest due
  • Interest past due beginning of month
  • Interest past due end of month
  • On time repayment of interest
  • Interest past due recovered
  • Number of new savings accounts
  • Total savings deposits beginning of month
  • Total savings deposits end of month
  • Growth in savings deposits
  • Total income
  • Total expenditure
  • Short term financial self-sufficiency indicator
  • Total transport costs
  • Number of staff
  • Costs per loan disbursed
  • Cost per number of new loan beneficiaries
  • Cost per no of groups + individuals with loans outstanding
  • Costs per money unit disbursed
  • Costs per money unit outstanding
  • Number of new loans per branch staff per month
  • Amount of new loans per branch staff per month
  • Transport costs per no of groups+ind with loans outstanding.